

“I really appreciate your kind assistance and exceptional expertise in evaluating my credentials. It helped me secure H1B visa and fulfill my dream. Again, thank you.”

Pushap Jain (Original Credentials from: India)


“Happy with the work your agency has done for me. Thanks to the evaluation I got from you, my education finally got accepted at my work, and last month I got a promotion. I will definitely recommend your services.”

Mark Bolechova (Original Credentials from: Slovakia)


“I will definitely recommend your agency to others! Thank you for your evaluation report. I used it to apply for software engineer position in the state of California. My employer gladly accepted it.

Kapil Verma (Original Credentials from: India)


 “I have used your services before and I was very much satisfied with the results. This is why I am enlisting your services again. Again, thanks.”

John Smith (Original Credentials from: Philippines)


 “Thank you for your prompt service and professionalism. Your timely response helped me complete my application on time”

Anil Sood (Original Credentials from: India)


“I wanted to express my gratitude for your services! You gave great costumer and evaluation services. I will recommend your services to anyone.”

Russ George (Original Credentials from: United Kingdom)


If you have any comment that you want to share with us, please send it to feedback@ieces.org