
Before you apply, it is recommended that you contact the institution for whom the report is intended to determine if they require a Basic Report, General Report. Detail Report, or a Professional Work Experience Report (see below).

We can't emphasize enough the importance of checking with your intended institution or employer if they will accept IECES.ORG evaluations.

Evaluation options

Basic Evaluation - $49
General Evaluation (No GPA) - $199
Detailed Evaluation (With GPA) - $299
Professional Work Experience Evaluation - $499

Additional Services

Rush Service - $99
Extra Copies - $50

Mailing Options

Before you apply, it is recommended that you contact the intended recipient of the evaluation report to determine if they require that the report be sent directly to them from IECES.ORG.

Domestic - $30
International - $90

In case the original documents are requested by IECES.ORG, please note that the original documents will be returned to you via a courier service with tracking information.

Please do NOT send original documents unless requested by IECES.ORG.