Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the website or use any services.

Please also note that the processing time for IECES.ORG evaluations starts from the day that a completed application (including all required documents, information and full payment of fees) is received by IECES.ORG.  Processing times may vary depending on a number of factors, including the response time of verifying institution, the complexity of the application, and other factors.

We reserve the right to not evaluate documents from certain institutions.

  1. Advisory

The evaluation reports prepared by IECES.ORG are advisory in nature and in no way limit an agency or institution in making its own determination as to the level of education and allocation of credit to be allowed for the foreign credentials. IECES.ORG is not liable for consequential damages if the desired equivalency is not recommended.

  1. Agency Criteria

Any questions concerning specific requirements and procedures for licensure, employment, or admissions criteria should be addressed by the applicant to the appropriate licensing board, agency or institution.

  1. Altered or Irregular Documents

If forged, altered, or falsified documents are submitted to IECES.ORG, the request for evaluation will be immediately cancelled. All documents (original and photocopies) become the property of IECES.ORG. No refund will be issued. The information will be made available to the appropriate parties (academic institutions, government agencies, professional organizations and other evaluation services).

  1. Applicable Law

In the event of any disputes between the applicant and IECES.ORG, such disputes shall be governed by New York law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the New York County courts.

  1. Contact

IECES.ORG services are conducted solely by mail and the internet. Academic records, however, may only be submitted by regular mail or Courier Service.

  1. Correspondence

Changes to an application must be submitted in writing. Once the evaluation is completed, an applicant has 15 days from the date of issue of the evaluation report within which to raise any questions concerning its content. Thereafter, the file will be closed.

  1. Damaged or Lost Documents

Original documents submitted by the applicant are returned by a secure mailing service, unless instructed otherwise by the applicant in writing. While every effort is made by IECES.ORG to ensure the proper handling of educational documents, IECES.ORG accepts no liability related to the loss or damage of documents.

  1. Limited Liability of Service

While every effort will be made to complete the evaluation within the requested timeframe, IECES.ORG cannot guarantee processing times and assumes no liability related to the delay of an evaluation report.

IECES.ORG shall not be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages that an applicant may incur if the educational equivalency anticipated by the applicant is not issued as the evaluation report, based on IECES.ORG research, may differ from an applicant’s interpretation or that provided by another party. IECES.ORG shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the evaluation report. Furthermore, the applicant agrees to reimburse IECES.ORG for any and all costs, including legal expenses, which may incur as a result of any claim that the applicant (or anyone having any interest in the applicant’s earnings or services) may make, based on the recommended equivalency.

  1. Reassessment of Equivalencies

IECES.ORG bases its evaluation analysis on the best information available to professionals in applied comparative education in the United States or Canada at the time when the evaluation is made. When additional information becomes available, IECES.ORG reserves the right to reassess educational equivalencies when copies of an evaluation report are requested or when a new report is requested based upon the previously submitted documents.

  1. Re-Evaluation Request

Evaluations based on documents not submitted with the original request are considered to be new evaluations, and a new payment of the fee is required. Requests to change a General Report to a Detail Report (or the reverse) will be subject to the fee applicable to that report. The amount paid for any previous evaluation report is not credited toward the charge for a re-evaluation.

  1. Refunds

No refunds will be issued once an application has been submitted.

  1. Returned Checks

A check that is returned due to insufficient funds is subject to an additional $50 fee.

  1. Verification

IECES.ORG reserves the right to contact educational and governmental institutions for additional information and/or verification of the authenticity of the credentials submitted, including, but not limited to, sending copies of credentials to the relevant educational institution(s) and/or governmental institution(s).

  1. Authorization for Release

IECES.ORG may release information about an applicant’s status including copies of educational records where these are required by the agency for whom the evaluation is being prepared.

  1. Refusal of Service

IECES.ORG reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

  1. Information Subject to Change

The information provided by IECES.ORG on this website and on the application is subject to change at any time.