International Education & Credential Evaluation Services

What is Credential Evaluation?

A credential evaluation is a comparison of your academic accomplishments to standards in the U.S. or Canada. This report helps institutions like schools, employers, licensing boards, or immigration authorities better understand your educational background.

Credential evaluators play a crucial role in this transition for candidates planning to work/study overseas. Credential evaluators work on a well-formulated ethical standard and serve people who have completed part or all of their education outside their host country and who are seeking further employment or education abroad.

If you've ever applied for a job, you know how important your educational experience and credentials are. If you're applying to a job in the the USA/Canada and earned your educational credentials in another country, it can be difficult for employers to understand your qualifications.

Our credential evaluation reports can help U.S. and Canadian employers understand your international educational background. A credential evaluation can give both you and employers the confidence that you are qualified for the position and can fully perform all expected job duties.


IECES.ORG (International Education and Credential Evaluation Services) was created by a group of international education professionals with extensive experience in the areas of international admissions, foreign student advising, foreign credential evaluations, university placement, and translations.

Our mission is to provide fast accurate services to individuals in need of evaluation and/or translation of foreign academic credentials so that they may further their education and professional careers in the United States and Canada. 

Our objectives are to provide academic evaluations to those educated outside the USA/Canada while at the same time setting an example of good business ethics and practices within our local community as well as within the international academic community, the United States, Canada and internationally.

COMPARE Our Evaluation Reports

Basic General
Detailed Professional Experience
Suitable for Employment * Immigration * Higher Study * Regulatory Jobs *
Cost $49 $199 $299 $499
GPA Included No No Yes No
Time 3 Business Days
4 Weeks ** 8 Weeks ** 6 Weeks **
Sealed Documents
from University Required
No Yes Yes Yes
University contact
information required
No Yes Yes No
Electronic Copy Yes No No No
Printed Copy No Yes Yes Yes
*Please check with your prospective professional licensing body, academic institution or employer to verify the type of report they require.
**All evaluations except the ‘Basic Evaluation’ requires verification and the time frame for completion is dependent on the response time of the verifying institution and cannot be estimated by IECES.ORG.